Results for tag: global PR.


8 PR ideas for promoting your upcoming event

Planning an event typically means investing a lot of time and money and you need to ensure that you draw enough of a crowd to ensure a good ROI. So, it is important to remember that planning how you will promote the event is just as important as planning the event itself. We’ve written a guide to the best, most effective PR event ideas to help you promote your upcoming event. As a rule of thumb, you should begin promoting your event around 40 to 60 days prior to your event to allow time to generate awareness and allow for the decision-making processes of your audience.

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Working with brands on a global scale

Working with brands all around the world is a privilege and one that’s led many of the ADPR team on interesting and exotic work trips. We love working with our clients and getting access to working with central teams, or teams located in our clients’ offices around the world, gives us the opportunity to deepen our brand knowledge and explore best practices.

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