
Illustrating your business through Instagram and Pinterest

Utilising social media effectively for your business can really help to switch your business up a gear. If you have a particularly eye-catching or visually appealing brand, products, or services, you are missing out if you aren’t already optimising the more aesthetic social media channels such as Instagram and Pinterest. Make the most of these platforms with our easy-to-follow guide below with everything you need to know about using Instagram and Pinterest for business—from setting up your account to creating a winning strategy.

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Ways to secure broadcast coverage

For any brand, it’s always great to get impactful coverage in your target media to showcase what you’re doing. Print, online and social coverage are all excellent in their own ways and each requires an individual approach. Broadcast is often the toughest media nut to crack but it’s worth the hard work because its audience figures can dwarf print media. If you are interested in finding out more about how to secure broadcast coverage, listen to Episode 4 from Season 3 of our podcast, Revitalise & Grow. It features special guest, Emma Britton - a former BBC broadcast journalist - who spills the beans on all things broadcast!|

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Findings from the Edelman Trust Barometer 2022

Every January, global communications firm, Edelman, launches the Edelman Trust Barometer - the largest global survey on trust in business, government, media and NGOs. The survey gathers data from more than 33,000 people across 28 countries. It gives us a clear indication of how people perceive the stories they read and how messages from the government have been interpreted. We discuss the latest Trust Barometer findings on this week’s newly released podcast, which is all about Ethics in PR and can be found here.

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How to shine and be the real you on camera

With meetings, pitches, presentations and events increasingly moving to virtual platforms, we don’t just need to overcome our apprehensions about seeing and hearing ourselves on screen,  we need to embrace the technology and learn techniques to be our best selves on camera! In this blog, we’ll be sharing some top tips for gaining camera confidence and knowing how to engage and inspire a virtual audience. For even more on hosting a virtual event, check out Episode 6 from Season 2 of our podcast, Revitalise & Grow.

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